Thursday, May 17, 2012

May Meeting

      Our May meeting went real well!  We had a wonderful show and tell!  Dorothy brought a box full of Lap- Ghans that she has made in the last month to donate to the Nursing Home here in Linden.  They were all different but all beautiful!   Mary was working on the Cro-Knitting (Tunisian Stitch) that Dorothy taught last month.  She also had a beautifull red -and I do mean red- scarf for her daughter and a shawl too.  Margurite was working on the Cro- Knitting too, as was I.  We all welcomed Kathy back and she brought some fantastic wash clothes that she had crocheted around and embroidered too.  What a wonderful gift that will make!  She also had a great baby afghan she made with size 15 needles.  It was not done yet.  She was going to cross stitch a John Deere tractor in the middle.  Hope we see some pictures of that one!  Wanda had a novelty yarn that she was knitting into a great textured scarf .  What a great bunch of projects!  And a great bunch of Fiber Artists!

     Memorial Day Weekend is just around the corner and the annual Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival!  Come to the Dickson Fairgrounds and see the animals that bring us great fiber, talk to vendors who can get you rigged up for your next project or take a class and learn something new that YOU can do with fiber! 

     There's a new yarn shop in Hohenwald!  We may have to have a road trip for one of our meetings!  Just think- we will be able to get great yarn closer than 1 and 1/2 hours away!  Oh hang on to my pocket book! 

     If you are interested in coming to a guild meeting we meet the second thursday of every month exccept December at the Commodore Hotel.   We welcome new comers.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hello Again!

Welcome back to the Buffalo River Fiber Arts Guild! I have high speed internet so this blog should be kept up a little better! Thanks to all the gals that keep coming to our meetings..... You all are the life blood of our organization.
Our little group is really looking forward to our April meeting! We will be celebrating our 4th anniversary! We can hardly believe that! We will have refreshments and a class on Cro-Knitting. This is using a double ended clochet hook and two colors of yarn you can create a two color piece -color A on front and color B on the back! Come join us as we experiment and enjoy the commaraderie of our fiber friends!