Friday, July 17, 2009

Update from July Meeting

The July Meeting was the 9th of July. We had a great time with old friends and welcomed new ones. Cindy Collins from Lyles joined us. Cindy is a weaver and spinner. She brought a Jacob fleece and her drum carder. Thanks for joining us Cindy! Emily Freeman and daughter Elizabeth also joined us to see what we were about. Everyone has been so busy! Wanda Warren modeled her varigated blue Shrug- beautiful! She also showed off her pair of "maryjanes" that she knit with varigated green yarn. Andi was there with several of her crocheted hotpads and she got together with Wanda to learn the knit stitch on a dishrag. That's what we're all about! learning from each other and encouraging others in keeping these crafts alive! Mary Dowdy was there working on one of her crocheted blankets, we all hope to see the finnished product soon! Dorothy Inman came with several things to put in our window display! The cro-kniting is so interesting and her Cancer Patient "Boggins, and Scarves" are a work of love!

Our Buffalo River Fiber Guild has a window display! Thanks to all who contributed and who helped put it together. If you haven't seen it make a trip to Linden Mainstreet and take a look! It's worth it!